A series of self-produced illustrations featuring the young entrepreneur, Lily, and the neighborhood kids.
Illustration to commemorate Peter Woo of the American Legion Kimlau Post No. 1291. Commissioned for internal magazine circulation.
A set of illustrations intended to educate viewers on aspects of Cantonese home cooking.
A collection of animated illustrations intended as mock advertisements for IKEA. suited for uploading onto social networking feeds.
There’s excitement to be had right on your street.
Personal piece.
Candy Land, but ravaged by war.
A series of environments intended for conceptual world building.
A series of postcards inspired by the city.
“You can summon the dead AFTER you finish your vegetables.”
A collection of paranormal kids.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution accepts t-shirt designs annually to be given to participants of the Peachtree Road Race. This design is intended for a potential submission.
Bring joy in the kitchen for the tiny chef at home.
A series of patterns intended for children’s kitchenware.